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tv   KPIX 5 News Early Edition  CBS  August 23, 2013 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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>> we're losing 15 to 25 cell phones a weekend. >> 67% of all robberies in san francisco are smartphones. one club owner decided to take things into his own hands. >> when i asked him how she was killed, he told me, i would never lay a hand on her. >> randy alana is behind bars on a parole violation. but he is also the person of interest in sandra coke's murder. >> a 2% grade all the way out and all the way back. >> the new bay bridge bike path will offer a brand-new ride with amazing views but it will be a while before it's complete. >> and today could be san diego mayor bob filner's last day in office although he still denies harassing his accusers. from across the bay to around the world, the stories that matter on "kpix 5 news this morning. >> that ball hit him! wow. >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald. good morning, everyone. it's friday, august 23rd. i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat.
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it's 6:00. the weekend is almost here. we begin with developing news as you wake up this morning. 50 major wildfires are burning across the west the worst in northern california. the rim fire burning near yosemite only 1% contained. people in 1300 more homes and campsites have now been evacuated. 63,000 acres have been burned. and we are getting a rare look into those firefighting efforts. we have a shot from a blackhawk helicopter of an aviation battalion team fighting the fire from the air. this team scooped up water from a nearby lake and dropped it on the flames. kpix 5 reporter cate caugiran has the latest. >> reporter: the plumes of smoke from the fire are dwarfing everything around it. some smoke columns up to 40,000 feet high. at this point it's turned know an air war. this fire is growing fast, faster than firefighters can put it out, and we just heard it's nearly quadrupled in size. the rim fire is turning this
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area into an inferno. trees are exploding as flames, some 600 feet high, jump from treetop to treetop. several planes have been dropping flame retardant as ground crews try to divert the fire away from homes. the major concern this morning is the wildfire's push towards the small community of pine mountain lake. for the first time an vac order is in place for the hundreds of homes there. and bulldozers are hard at work clearing containment lines if the fire continues to spread in that direction. >> he have a monster on our -- we have a monster on our hands. this fire is making its own weather. it's going every which direction. >> this is one of the worst i've been on. i have been doing it quit a few years. >> reporter: right now, firefighters are doing all they can to keep up. in the past couple of days, more than 4,000 lightning strikes have sparked 45 new fires here in northern california. right now, there are more than 1300 firefighters on the line including some from the bay area. they say that the steep hills
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and rugged terrain have been major obstacles for them not to mention mother nature. let's check weather and the conditions that firefighters will be facing today with meteorologist lawrence karnow. i think we are going to catch a little bit of a break. in fact, the next few days and probably well into next week we are going to see a trough along the west coast ushering in cooler air and higher humidity. outside speaking of humidity we have low clouds and fog surging well onshore. pretty good breeze right into the delta. the fog is back now but by the afternoon looking at the nicest day probably of the week. as we are going to see more sunshine and looks like a great afternoon. temperatures fairly mild this morning in the 50s and the 60s. by the afternoon hours looking at 80s maybe even some low 90s in toward brentwood and antioch. 60s and 70s, lots of sunshine around the bay. out along the coastline still a bit of fog and mixture of sun temperatures there expected in the 60s. more on your weekend forecast coming up in a moment. right now let's check the roads with elizabeth. thank you, lawrence. and unfortunately, it is not looking good on this friday morning. if you are traveling through the macarthur maze, we have two
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lanes blocked on westbound 580 before the 980 interchange. this is definitely affecting some of the approaches to the bay bridge toll plaza. mobile 1 just drove past the area and spotted six cars, a motorcycle. one of those cars may have rolled down an embankment, overturned. we are not sure about the extent of injuries but definitely give yourself some extra time or you may just want to wait it out. a lot of emergency vehicles on scene, as well. also southbound 680 approaching mission boulevard north, we had a high-speed crash. at one point, the driver, we're told, 100 miles per hour-plus. we have not seen too many delays in the area. we'll let you know if that changes. out to the bay bridge toll plaza, not seeing any metering lights yet and barely any cars but again a lot of folks are trapped behind a backup in the macarthur maze because of that multi-vehicle crash. that is the latest from here. back to you guys. let's check some morning headlines around the bay area now on this friday. more people are taking bart apparently. the transit authority says it's saw an increase in a three-
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month period from april through june. more than 390,000 people are now taking the trains weekly. that's a 6.4% increase. at the same time, bart's on- time service though fell by 2%. as far as contract negotiations go, we still have no deal. we are getting word that bart's union leaders and the management did meet for a closed session meeting yesterday finally. also "the examiner" reports some business leaders are now urging the governor to get involved personally. the hatted bandit is at it again in the north bay. marin police say this man robbed a wells fargo at the corte madera towne centre on wednesday. check out the brown knit hat with ear flaps. he has worn similar hats in a series of other robberies. investigators say the man has now hit five banks since january. a new electric bike sharing program will roll into san francisco and berkeley next year. san francisco's municipal transportation agency gave the green light to a $1.5 million grant towards the program. it's teaming up with city car share and uc-berkeley.
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the goal is to set up 20 stations in san francisco, berkeley and other east bay cities. a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza now where tonight those right three toll lanes will close and stay closed through the weekend. it's all part of the preps for the opening of the new eastern span. kpix 5 reporter anne makovec joins us now with more on those lane closures and the part of the bridge that won't be ready come opening day. anne. >> reporter: and a week from i had that, the entire bridge will be closed. in the meantime, it's all lit up looking really gorgeous here from our shot at treasure island. the deck lit up, as well. those lane closures that michelle mentioned are starting tonight at 9:00. three westbound lanes on the toll plaza will be shut down to make addition for a new fastrak lane. taking a look at the lanes now, detours will be in place for drivers coming from 880 or west grand avenue. those lanes will reopen on monday at 5 a.m. just in time for the entire bay
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bridge to be shut down 2.5 days later. this is a live look right now at our island cam. on the left of the screen you can see where the new bay bridge will feed into yerba buena island. the opening of the new span still scheduled for tuesday, september 3rd, at 5 a.m. that is the day the new bike path will open too but not the whole thing. when it opens, it is just going to go from oakland to just short of yerba buena island at least for now. >> after traffic has been moved on to the new east span, they will start to demolishing the original east span near the tunnel and that will free up the room to connect the bike path into the island. >> reporter: and this is the path cyclists will be able to take once the path is ready emeryville to yerba buena island. caltrans is not giving an exact date as to when that will happen. for now, cyclists will just have to turn around on the bridge and head back to oakland. now, as for the closure tonight of those three lanes, it actually doesn't have anything to do with the closure and the
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opening of the new bay bridge. that is part of an automation of the toll system that is going on right now at all eight bay area bridges. live on treasure island, anne makovec, kpix 5. taking a look at two countdown clocks, we are just five days away from wednesday's bridge closure and 11 days until the new one opens. until that new span opens we'll have a commute survival guide at happening today in san diego, bob filner could quit his job as mayor. filner has been seen leaving actually last night getting his car packed with boxes. city council set to vote this afternoon on a deal to get little to step down. 18 women have accused him of sexual harassment including unwanted touching and kissing. a recall effort has gathered more than 11,000 signatures in four days. >> knowing that if he doesn't resign, that he is going to be thrown out by the people, is probably pushing him toward a
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resolution faster. >> the 70-year-old mayor says he spent two weeks in therapy. a woman walking near santa clara university says a man attacked her out of nowhere and this morning police are still looking for that suspect. she was walking on franklin street near the intersection of sherman street around midnight wednesday morning. police say a man knocked her down and sexually assaulted her. the woman fought back and the man took off. he is a male 6' to 6'2" athletic build, clean-shaven dirty blonde hair last seen wearing a white t-shirt and bluejeans. toilets, plywood and debris turned and empty lot on mare island into a dump. piles of debris from a burned- out business in oakland were found littered across a field many miles up the road on mare island in vallejo. this pile had enough construction debris to fill two dump trucks. solano county sheriff's deputies went through the mess and found it came from the allied fellowship service building a former drug rehab center that's now owned by the bank. deputies found the subcontractor who hauled the
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trash and he has now removed it from mare island and is expected to be charged. san francisco city attorney trying to stop city college from closing. dennis herrera asked a judge to block the accrediting commission from taking action. the school is scheduled to lose its accreditation next summer. herrera says the commission is playing politics. >> a political debate over the future of california's community colleges that was going on in sacramento, the accreditation process was being used unfairly to squelch that debate. >> because unaccredited schools are not eligible for state and federal funding the relocation would force the college -- the revocation would force the college to close. the rim fire growing rapidly. we'll go to the front lines of the firefight next. >> that fire is threatening homes, hotels and camps. the rush to get everyone out safely. >> it is friday! we are looking at the nicest day of the week. changes for the weekend. we'll talk about that coming up. >> and it is not a good morning
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to be commuting through the macarthur maze. multi-vehicle crash causing backups on 580 and 24. we'll have the latest from here in the traffic center after the break. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing live tv from southwest. now you can turn your device into your television. try it for free today, only on southwest airlines. on the air. in the air. with live tv.
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reporter nick gathering the latest.. what have you lear we are on the front lines of that massive rim fire burning near yosemite. reporter nick janes is gathering the very latest and nick, what have you learned this morning. >> reporter: i just want to point out, first of all, this is vista point that we are standing at that opens up to a fairly expansive canyon but so far this morning as you can see in the background all you can see is smoke. the air is thick with it. it is difficult to breathe. and frankly, my eyes are burning a little bit as well as this is what firefighters are going to be facing here for the early-morning hours and the rest of the day. their morning briefing set to
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take place in about an hour where they will learning exactly what the fire has done overnight. the expectation from crews last night though is that it would continue to burn ahe is goively pretty much in every direction as it did yesterday. in the past 24 hours, the rim fire has nearly quadrupled in size so it's about 63,000 acres right now. 99 square miles which is about the size of sacramento for a sense of perspective. the plume of smoke 40,000 feet high. so just an incredibly massive fire that crews are dealing with. again, the expectation for the forecast is not good. talking about 90s the chance of lightning, so they will again have their hands full as they head into the weekend. there are evacuation orders in place for about 300 homes. and another 2500 homes or so are threatened. there's an evacuation advisory in effect for those homes. many people have left. some have not, though, frank and michelle, which is interesting. there was one man yesterday within the evacuation order zone and he said, i'm not league until my home is burning. and that has not happened yet. but as the fire continues to
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spread, crews are really struggling to get a handle on this. containment again is just at 1%. >> nick, the access by the media has been incredible. we have seen some of your reporters on the front lines with flames just, you know, 100 feet away. are they holding you guys back at all? >> reporter: well, you know what? the fire has been very unpredictable. in some spots it burned right along highway 120 which is where you have seen some of my reporters and myself perhaps very close to those flames. yesterday, the fire was burning in pretty remote areas firefighters could not drive to whatsoever. and also later in the day once the evacuation order was put into place, they did not allow us back up the road towards some of those homes by vehicle. and so they are starting to restrict access just depending on where the fire is burning. >> all right. well, nick janes, live at the rim fire near yosemite, thank you. >> thank you, nick. the fire is threatening several summer camps as well including camp tawonga a jewish
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summer camp for kids and teens up in the sierra. also threatened, san jose camp a family summer camp east of groveland where nick just was and spinning wheel a vacation area. and bay area schoolkids had their vacations cut short. >> i was freaking out. i have never been in a situation like that before. >> the buses that took the children up there have already left so students were jammed into any vehicle available including a cattle truck and a moving truck. how are the roads, liz? >> not good in the east bay. this accident in the macarthur maze is doing really bad things. traffic is quickly stacking up on 580 and 24. so it's a multi-vehicle crash. it's between 580 and 980. it's jamming up from telegraph and growing. use 880.
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there is no delay there. and again, two lanes are blocked. we are hearing that a motorcycle is destroyed. they are treating the driver right now. so this one we don't know about the extent of injuries. better news for this accident. all lanes are open. this is in fremont southbound 680 approaching mission boulevard north. live traffic cameras, at the bay bridge, normally we would say oh, it's a "friday light" traffic day, but that's actually not the case. it's all those drivers stacked up in the macarthur maze they are all backed up on 24 and five five so not able to get to the pay gates so obviously no metering lights yet approaching the bay bridge. so if you are coming from 880 actually the upper deck of the bay bridge is extra quiet so far this morning all the way into san francisco. we'll continue to keep you posted. in the meantime, the weekend is here we're talking weather and here's lawrence with that. >> looks like a nice friday although it's hard to tell outside right now. pretty gloomy early on. we have low clouds and drizzle at the coastline. so a include start to the day
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but by the middle of the day what a day it's going to be. a lot of sunshine coming our way and these temperatures are going to start to warm up today. probably the nicest day of the week. and then for the weekend, we have some more clouds, some cooler temperatures expected. actually probably below average as we look toward the weekend and well beyond. today high pressure trying to sneak back in here ever so slowly but the trough kind of camped out along the west coast. that's going to riach ply phi over the weekend to help cool us down. hot in fresno at 98. 92 sacramento. the high country of course they have the fires there so a lot of smoke in yosemite and also lake tahoe area. partly cloudy skies, 67 degrees into monterey bay. looks like the clouds are going to break up and pentium back toward the coastline today but then start to moving back onshore and should see a pretty good surge of low clouds and fog tonight into tomorrow and more coastal drizzle, as well. 70s and 80s into the south bay. 60s at the coastline for today. east bay temperatures up in the 80s, even some low 90s. then inside the bay you will see 60s and a few 70s.
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next couple of days cooling down. enjoy friday. this is going to be a wonderful day. in fact, i'm already feeling pretty wonderful now, guys. then temperatures running below average as we head in toward next weekend. but always good on a friday. >> mr. congeniality. >> thank you. it is a big career change for one former nfl player. why he traded in pads for an apron. >> and what is cool about your school in you can submit your nomination at our website, we might come out and feature your school on the morning show. ,,,,,,,,
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female narrator: the mattress price wars are on the mattress price wars are on at sleep train. we challenged the manufacturers to offer even lower prices. now it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. plus, free same-day delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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[ male announcer ] wouldn't it be great if all devices had backup power? the chevrolet volt does. it's ingeniously designed to seamlessly switch from electricity to gas to extend your driving range. no wonder volt is america's best-selling plug-in. that's american ingenuity to find new roads. ♪ the 2013 volt. charge ahead of the rest in the hov lane. ♪ good morning, everybody. there is no question that colin kaepernick is the 49ers starting quarterback. but who is second on the depth chart? that remains a question that even the 49ers can't seem to figure out. last night, seneca wallace was added to the competition signing a one-year contract to try and be the 49ers number two
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man after he was released earlier this week by the saints. he will compete with colt mccoy, daniels and another player. wallace started 2 is 21 games in his career. that's andrew mccutcheon and the pirates visiting at&t. rough night for matt cain. off his arm from gabby sanchez. sanchez was retired. cain would have to leave the game. x-rays were negative. that's the good news. tied at 3 in the 5th with the pirates blasting the giants. sanchez with a two-run ground ruled double. pittsburg scored 7 in the inning and they beat the giants last night. former giants closer brian wilson made his debut in dodger blue. do you believe this? they finished off l.a. 6-0 win over miami in his first big league appearance since april of 2012. take a good look at that blackbeard, okay? because my prediction is, it could be blue very soon. blue beard is what he will be known as in los angeles.
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that's it, everybody. i'm dennis o'donnell. see you tonight. >> thank you. our play of the day is the stroke of luck in the barclays. scott brown tees off on the 16th hole and it appears to be heading toward the water. it bounces off a bridge right on to the green and then snugs up real close to the hole. set up an eagle for brown on the par 4 hole. how about that? by the way, the barclays will be seen on cbs this weekend. that's your play of the day a little bit of luck helping, as well. a former nfl star went from the super bowl to a mobile meat market. here's sean considine in an apron. he helped the baltimore ravens beat the san francisco 49ers in the super bowl in february and now he is following his culinary dreams in this food
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truck. >> no idea if i'm going to succeed. i'm just going to go to work and try my best. this is a challenge i have looked forward to for a long time and here we go. >> his 24-foot trailer serves chicken, steak and salads and his mom helps out. so good luck to him. >> from the super bowl to a food truck. >> there you go. 6:26. a person of interest in the murder of a bay area investigator and that's not all. randy alana's shocking secret he told kpix 5 in a jailhouse interview. >> and a bay area youth group focuses in on science, engineering and technology. why they are getting a lesson in law, as well. >> reporter: the rim fire near yosemite is no match for firefighters on the ground. it's burning faster than firefighters can put it out. we'll have the unique look at the fight from the skies. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald if you come here to try to steal a phone, you're going to get caught. >> the unique sting a bar manager set up to bust thieves in the act. >> and emergency dispatchers in santa clara county are threatening to go on strike. why they feel they are undervalued. >> and a multicar accident in the macarthur maze is causing this gridlock right now on 24. we've traffic tip coming up. >> starting out with plenty of clouds, lots latest lots of sunshine this afternoon. cate caugiran has more on the lightning strikes. >> reporter: you have probably seen the images of flame retardant being dropped from swooping planes. we have seen dramatic video coming out of "rim" fire flames
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600 feet high creating an inferno. this morning one pilot gives us a unique view on how dangerous these air collapse con be. this is video shot with a go pro camera mounted to a cockpit window. it's also the closest look we'll get to the flames. the fire has turned into an air war because these flames are no match for ground crews. the pilot who shot this is california air national guard lieutenant colonel bryan allen. his real job is flying to hawaii for american airlines. he talked about the excitement of flying into the heart of a wildfire. >> this is really the closest flying you're going to get to combat in the united states. it's certainly thrilling. it's a uniquely risky mission. >> we only take very select pilots and flight crewmembers to do the mission. >> reporter: right now, there are more than 1300 firefighters on the line including some from the bay area. the biggest challenge for these firefighters are those steep hills and rugged terrain not to mention high winds in the area have not been too kind to fire crews and in the past couple of
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days, more than 4,000 lightning strikes have sparked 45 new fires in northern california. cate caugiran, kpix 5. good morning, everyone. it is a busy friday august 23rd. good to have you with us. i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm michelle griego. time now is 6:32. new details in the death of a bay area woman are revealed. in a jailhouse interview the person of interest says they had a secret love affair. kpix 5's juliette goodrich sat down with randy alana, who claims he shared more than a relationship with sandra coke. >> reporter: behind bars, 56- year-old randy alana told me, i loved sandra more than life itself. when i asked him how she was killed, he told me, i would never lay a hand on her. alana is behind bars on a parole violation. but he is a person of interest in her murder. he says he and sandra talked about getting married numerous times. he says, she wanted to move to montgomery, alabama. she told me, if i changed my
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environment, i would change my bad habits. alana told me she went against her family and her job to be with me. it was always her biggest fear her family and our daughter would find out about my criminal past and have her committed. he said, she was always making up stories to her family about me. she told them, i own a cleaning business. another time she told them i lived in arizona. i was in arizona, but i was in jail. alana has been in and out of prisons. criminal history include manslaughter, kidnapping with intent to commit a sexual offense, rape and numerous parole violations. alana said sandra had a heart of gold. when he was released from jail august 1 of this month, he said sandra picked him up and took him home. they celebrated her 50th birthday the following day. he told me she recently said, this time, when you get out of jail, we will get married so you can be on my health plan." but three days after his release, sandra went missing. her body found august 9th near
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a park in vacaville. juliette goodrich, kpix 5. >> we asked sandra's sister about what alana told juliette yesterday. she said the d.a. asked her to make no comment. a bay area club owner came up with a plan to catch smartphone thieves in the act. people were stealing 15 to 20 phones a weekend at the club. steven lee the club owner of "the grand" decided to set up a sting. he smeared phones are a fluorescent green gel and sent decoys to the dance floor. loss prevention agents were close by and saw two thieves making their move. >> security and management went around started to look at people's hands because if you have it on the hands and the black lights are going it's going to glow. if you come here to try to steal a phone, you're going to get caught. >> the agents caught the two suspects' green handed you could say. lee says his club plans to use
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this deterrent from now on. checking other headlines around the bay area now, plans to expand a sober living center is running into opposition in san anselmo. full circle intervention is essentially a halfway house for recovering addicts. the center now wants to increase capacity from 6 to 18 beds. some neighbors say this will hurt their property values. the city says the expansion will require a special permit. an oakland nonprofit isist a legal fight over its name. the boy scouts of america want the so-called tacker scouts to change its name. it claims it as an exclusive right to the name scouts because of a trademark. they threaten a lawsuit if the east bay group ignores the name change request. an elderly woman in hayward was the target of a $17,000 crime. police say a man claiming to be a tree trimmer tricked her into letter him inside her home while -- tricked hef into letting him inside her home. he and an accomplice got in and
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stole $17,000 cash and jewelry. the two men were last seen driving a red pickup truck. 911 dispatchers in santa clara county are ready to strike. workers say they are understaffed and overworked clocking in 14 hour days. a strike hasn't been called yet as talks with the county continue. pay is also an issue. >> we're among the lowest paid in the county. it's very fatiguing, you know. it's a stressful job as it is. having to work above and beyond your normal workweek is stressful. it wears on you after a while and it does make it more difficult to stay focused and do your job. >> santa clara county will ask the court to stop workers from going on strike if it comes to that. a popular santa cruz surf instructor is facing more charges involving underaged girls he was teaching. 38-year-old dillon griner is already in jail charged with possession of child pornography and lewd acts with a child. police say more victims have come forward. they say his computers had more
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than half a million pornographic images and videos. well, it's nearly 6:37. it's friday. so the all-important weekend is almost here. >> and have i told you guys you guys look fabulous today? >> it is good to be with you on this friday. >> thank you. >> guys, around the bay area today, we are seeing some low clouds and following this morning. some drizzle out toward the coastline. low clouds have surged well onshore. looks like that is going to peel back a little faster today as high pressure is going to strengthen just a little bit and that will be enough to clear out our skies and bring us a lot of sunshine into the afternoon. right now fairly mild. we have some 50s and 60s. we have seen this pattern kind of all week long. it continues for today. by the afternoon though it will be warmer. lots of 80s maybe some low 90s into brentwood and antioch. you will see 60s and 70s, lots of sunshine inside the bay this afternoon. along the coastline couple of patches of fog and temperatures in the 60s. more on the weekend weather in a moment. right now let's check out the roads with elizabeth. >> reporter: yuck, that's the best way to describe the commute right now through the macarthur maze. i want to show you this live
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look. this is traffic backed up on 24. the actual accident is right before on westbound 580 right before the 980 interchange. but it's obviously impacting traffic on 580 and 24. it is jamming up beyond the telegraph exit right now. so two lanes are blocked. there's also now a stalled big rig in some of this backup, as well. so just a quick traffic tip. one of my coworkers took 980 got off at the west grand avenue exit and barely got in any delay at all. coming up, we'll show you the bay bridge toll plaza show you what that looks like. in the meantime, back to you guys. 6:38. the new "dark knight" is revealed. people aren't too stoked about who is jumping into the batmobile. that man right there berkeley- born ben affleck will be "the dark knight" in the next superman sequel. it will pc d.c. comics most iconic characters together. it will open july 2015. superman will join batman. j. crew is now selling this
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top for nearly $1,000. the blouse features more than 35,000 crystal sequins and beads and it's made by hand and takes three days to complete. a new plastic surgery trend in south korea is creating a smile the joker could love. a photo of the smile lift procedure ended up on the reddit social network. it curls lips upwards leaving a permanent smile on the woman's face. >> wow. >> i don't know about that. time now 6:39. a herd of mini horses arrives in the east bay. why they need new homes and how you get one. >> and it's an everyday struggle in every household, what to pack for lunch. the app that will make sure everyone is getting a well balanced diet coming up. >> and the market just opened up about 10 minutes ago. let's get a quick look at the early numbers here. so far it's looking prettied goo. coming up we'll get an update from kcbs radio's financial reporter jason brooks. ♪
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dozens of these miniat a herd of mini horses is just arrived in the east bay looking for new homes. dozens of these mini horses ran into the core was of angels for minis a specialized care and rescue facility near brentwood. they came from one owner in the redding area who couldn't take care of them all. animal rescuers have seen a number of these mini horses abandoned when pet owners can't pay for their upkeep. >> we have about 30 or 35 more to place so we are looking for good homes that can appreciate them as much as we do. >> a few years ago, during the recession, these horses were going for $3,000. well, now after an application is approved, you can get a mini for $300.
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they are cute. a new app to try to make the transition from summer to school is making things easy. kids can build lunch ahead of time by dragging their favorite foods to a lunchbox populating a grocery shopping list for parents and help them pack well balanced lunches ahead of time. >> dingdongs, twinkies. >> if the kids are picking it, deep trouble. a change is coming in the front office for microsoft. kcbs radio's financial reporter jason brooks joins us. >> reporter: a rare event taking place at microsoft. ceo steve ballmer says he is going to retire within the year until his successor is found. he took over from bill gates as ceo in 2000. the only other ceo at the company. ballmer has been there for 33 years. but the company's fortunes have sagged over the past decade. a big problem is that microsoft has not been a prime player in mobile. investors like this news. microsoft shares are up over
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6%. microsoft a lot of other tech companies affected yesterday when the nasdaq shut down for three hours due to a technical glitch. the market is open this morning. the nasdaq is trading just fine. the sec says it's going to develop new rules in oversight of automated trading. investors are focused on the fed all about bond tapering plans with its still last actions and there's a big meeting taking place in jackson hole, wyoming and investors will be looking for further clues coming from that. market snapped a six-session losing streak. it's off to a positive start today. let's check the numbers dow up by 3 points. the nasdaq is gaining 12. the s&p moving higher by 2 points. autodesk up 14%. pandora down over 10%. >> thank you, jason brooks. time now 6:45. let's get a check on the roads. there's quite the mess in the east bay. >> i know. there was. the macarthur maze we have that accident on westbound 580. all lanes are now back open so
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we are starting to see the filling over at the bay bridge toll plaza because more cars are starting to get through. so they turned the metering lights on and this is what we got. we got delays mostly in the middle lanes. it looks like it's slowly recovering that accident. there was an accident at 24 and 580. if you are stuck in a traffic jam, this will be the last friday you can ever commute the old bay bridge the old eastern span. now we have a new problem. this is in san jose five cars involved two lanes blocked northbound 101 at tully. we have brake lights, gridlock from at least the capitol expressway. some other drive times in the east bay, so far your usual stuff through the altamont pass. 19 minutes, a touch lighter than we typically see through the altamont pass and the livermore valley but it is a friday. so all things "friday light" traffic conditions there. the nimitz so far, so good past the oakland coliseum. and up towards downtown and no big delays as well coming through the eastshore freeway. a quick mass transit check, we
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have had no issues at all, all morning. bart systemwide on time. caltrain and ace also reporting everything on schedule. that's your latest from here in the traffic center. with more on your forecast, here's lawrence. >> big friday forecast! getting ready for the weekend. low clouds have surged well onshore this morning a little drizzle out toward the coastline but by the end of the day what a day it's going to be probably the nicest day of the week. you can see the clouds out there right now surging onshore pretty good gusts right in through the delta over 30 miles per hour into fairfield. as we head throughout the day though the fog is going to lift he becoming mostly sunny and a little bit warmer too but more clouds likely to move in for the weekend. that means we have some cooler temperatures on the way. so let's enjoy this friday. looking good as high pressure is going to nudge back in ever so slightly but this whole trough can really dig in over the weekend. that's going to keep temperatures down for the weekend and bring some more clouds too. in the central valley hot in spots. 90s into sacramento and fresno. a lot of smoke in the high country from the fire up there. the "rim" fire now at 105,000 acres. that's a big one, folks. , like, will continue to burn
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for the foreseeable future -- looks like it will continue to burn for the foreseeable future. we have there's at sfo of over an hour on arrivals. slight chance of thunderstorms into houston and denver. sunny skies in chicago at 74. 85 in new york. around the bay today we'll find some warmer weather, some 80s maybe even some low 90s inland. 60s and 70s around the bay. and 60s out toward the coastline. we'll start to cool down the temperatures a bit. looks like those temperatures below average monday and tuesday. we have a school forecast. patchy fog, 59 degrees. lunchtime my favorite time of the day 71 and sunny. 80s by the time you get out of school. this should be a great day to be inle school and, well, get out school. >> or taking the day off. >> final bell the best part of the day. >> it will be nice. thank you.
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6:48 now. the nsa may have went too far with its spying program. a federal judge says it misled the cord about its surveillance on americans. that's raising new questions about email privacy. kpix 5's phil matier with nate from the electronic frontier foundation join us. is the nsa reading our email? >> yes. they are scanning every email as you type it. >> so as you type it they are scanning it? >> as soon as you send it, it goes through a splitter. there's a fiber optic slipper at the folsom street facility here in san francisco. one copy goes to whoever you're sending it to the other copy goes to the nsa. >> reporter: you're kidding. every email sent? >> since about 2002, yes. >> reporter: how do they have possibly the capacity to store all that stuff and even if they get it how do they figure out what to look at? >> they have the most powerful computers in the world. they are building the biggest data center in the world in
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utah. this thing is going to store something on the order of x exobites. it's an incredible amount of computers. >> reporter: your group was part of the release of the documents from nsa. >> the judge said that the n sa has been lying to the only court that meets in secret has been lying to that court for years and years and the court said it needed to stop. this opinion was from 2011 and we just got it two days ago. >> reporter: so this brings up a question to me. i don't know what you guys think, do we have any privacy at all when you go on the internet? >> from our perspective at the electronic frontier foundation yes, the fourth amendment says you have a right to be secure in your papers and effects. that includes your emails. >> reporter: but your email isn't the u.s. mail. it's owned by google or it's owned by facebook. it's owned by yahoo. do those people have -- is it up to them who they decide to turn it over to the government
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or a company or somebody that that's looking at it wants to look at it? >> it's not. federal law says that they have to keep that email private unless the government comes with a warrant. the nsa has not gotten warrants to read your email and yet they are getting copies anyway. >> isn't that amazing? >> yeah. >> curious, nate. is there some sort of computer that just looks for keywords and if they find something they don't like it spits it out and then they read the email? they can't read them all. >> so it's our understanding that yes, there is a computer looking for the keywords. however, if it finds the keywords and a person reads it if it doesn't they are storing it any way for up to five years and the nsa has this interesting term they use the word collect. they don't collect an email until they read it. even if they are storing it, that's not collection. >> so, in other words, they say, whatever the case, watch what you put on the keyboard, frank. [ laughter ] >> you are going right down to folsom street one copy goes to
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summit and the other one to uncle sam. boy, uncle spam. thanks. >> all right. phil matier, nate cordoza, thank you. have a great weekend we'll be right back. by now you probably heard of the bay bridge closure next week. some lanes are going to be closed as soon as tonight. we'll tell you why coming up next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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female narrator: it's posturepedic versus beautyrest it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ the death toll in an alleged chemical weapons attack in a is growing. more than a here are five things you need to know at 6:55. the death toll at an alleged chemical weapons attack in syria is growing. more than 1,000 civilians were killed and this morning, u.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon has stepped up the pressure on syria to allow investigators to
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look into it. the syrian government blames it on rebel forces. vice president joe biden back to work today. he will join president obama for the last stop of his bus tour. the two will speak at mr. biden's hometown today at scranton, pennsylvania. vice president spent the past couple of days at a houston, texas hospital with his son beau biden, who was having medical tests at a hospital specializing in cancer and brain disorder. today could be san diego mayor bob filner's last day in office. he was spotted leaving city hall yesterday afternoon bags in hand. the city council votes this afternoon on an agreement over a sexual harassment lawsuit. it appears filner will resign as part of the deal. in the past six weeks, 18 women have accused filner of making unwanted advances. and the massive wildfire burning near yosemite national park has jumped to more than 105,000 acres overnight. the "rim" fire only 2% contained right now. it has tripled in size to more than 53,000 acres and is now threatening more than 2500 homes in the groveland area.
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the "rim" fire is one of 50 major fires burning in nearly a dozen western states right now. governor brown has declared a state of emergency. when the new bay bridge opens in a couple of weeks one thing will be noticeably unfinished. the new bike path. it will eventually run from emeryville to yerba buena island. but right now, it stops just short of there. that's because until the old span comes down, there's no place to put it. less than a week until the old span closes, next wednesday, the bridge shut down and the new span doesn't ole until september 3rd. i'm anne makovec live on treasure island. a couple of other bay bridge tidbits to tell you about. there are some lane closures going into effect at 9:00 tonight. three lanes will be closed near the toll plaza. here's a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza this morning. this is westbound. the three lanes on the right side will be shut down to make way for the addition of a new fastrak lane. detours will be in place coming from 880 or west grand over.
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those lanes will reopen on monday at 5 a.m. just in time for the entire bay bridge to be shut down 2.5 days later the opening of the new span on tuesday september 3rd as michelle mentioned at 5 a.m. that is the day the new bike path will open but also as michelle mentioned not the whole thing. when it opens, it will open just short of yerba buena island. because crews need to demolish the original east span near the tunnel to make room to connect the path to the island. but even before it's finished, it is going to make for quite a ride. >> a 2% grade all the way out and all the way back, and you're going to get some really great views of the original east span which people haven't had before but also of the bay. >> reporter: now, this is the path cyclists will be able to take once the bike path is ready. emeryville to yerba buena island. caltrans is not giving an exact date as to when that will happen. back to the closure tonight of those three right toll plaza lanes, that actually doesn't have anything to do with the new bay bridge. that's all about the automation of the toll collection system
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which they are already doing on eight other bay area bridges. back to you. speaking of the bay bridge, let's go out live to take a check of the toll plaza. [overlapping speakers] >> here it is. you can see it. it took a while for lanes to finally fill in. but they are. there was that accident in the macarthur maze that was blocking a couple of lanes of westbound 580. all lanes have now reopened and they also cleared a stalled big rig that was blocking one lane in the maze for a while. now we have your usual commute heading into san francisco. by the way, the metering lights have been on since shortly after 6:00. lawrence? elizabeth, let's talk about some friday weather. you have seen the clouds out there now. looks like the clouds going to give way to some sunshine this afternoon. and looking like a great day ahead. probably the nicest day of the week. the temperatures now in the 50s and the 60s in the afternoon 80s and 90s. sunshine inside the bay 60s and 70s. 60s toward the coastline. cooler over the weekend. >> thank you for watching kpix 5 news this morning.
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the next local update is 7:26. captions by: caption colorado good morning to our viewers in the west. it is friday, august 23rd, 2013. welcome to "cbs this morning." a wildfire races towards hundreds of homes near yosemite. we're on the fire lines. a glitz suddenly shuts down the nasdaq. what it means for the future of trading. >> on on "cbs this morning" the former fiance of former san diego mayor bob filner tells us why she was one of the first to call for his resignation. plus, an american couple stranded overseas says their cruise ship abandoned them. >> first, a look at today's eye opener. your world in 90 seconds. >> there's so much heat down there right now. everything is very volatile. >> thousands in danger as a wildfire ex


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